About us
We spent >1100 hours, almost half a year, preparing sustainability reports.
We spent >260 hours with the preparation of sustainability strategies.
We spent >1300 hours, around 162 days, in various projects with sustainability consulting.
We spent nearly 100 hours (12 days) doing pro bono activities to help society with our knowledge, expertise, and experience.
We spent an average of 36.1 hours per person on training and self-development.
In 2023, we wrote 96 articles on our blog, the Fenntartható Fejlövés.
We wrote 6 articles in GEO magazine in 2023, which was 191,408 characters. Between 2020 and 2023, we published a total of 26 articles in GEO.
Via our blog Fenntartható Fejlövés we reached ~21,000 people in 2023
In 2023, our publications reached a total of ~500,000 people (including the GEO, HVG and Fejlövés publications).
In 2023 to compile the ESG TOP25 ranking published in cooperation with HVG we researched a total of 108 companies.
Through stakeholder surveys and internal research, we asked the opinions of nearly 2,000 people regarding sustainability.
In 2023, the sales revenue of our clients accounted for 1.68% of Hungary’s GDP, and their total number of employees was nearly 10,000.
Along the sustainability strategies, supported by the Planet Fanatics’ Network team, our partners achieved the following successes in the past year:
Emission reduction
In 2023, our partners reduced their Scope 1-2 emissions by a total of 64% compared to 2019, which means a reduction of 791,119 tons of CO2e.
Renewable energy ratio
In 2023, our partners used a total of 298 GWh electricity for their operations, of which 74%, 255GWh energy, came from renewable sources (on-site solar panels and renewable energy certificates).
Between 2021 and 2023, our partners reduced the total amount of waste, they produced by 19%, which is nearly 50,000 tons. And 95% of the remaining waste was recycled.
Gender pay gap
Our partners reduced the gender pay gap by 8% on average in the case of base salaries compared to 2019. As a result of the reduction, in 2023 all our clients performed better than the Hungarian average, the largest revealed wage difference was 16%.
Our partners operate in largely different sectors, which greatly influences the level of turnover in companies. Between 2019 and 2023, labour migration was reduced on average by 40% at all companies.
Employee development
In the case of our partners, the average number of training hours per person in 2023 was 24.1 hours, which represents a 57% increase compared to 2021.
A- rating in the CDP climate assessment
In 2023, our partner received an A- rating on the CDP climate assessment, prepared by us.
1.8 points improvement in Sustainalytics’ rating
Our partner improved by 1.8 points in 2023, with a score of 16.7 points, remaining in the low risk category of the Sustainalytics evaluation.
Among TOPs in MSCI, ISS ESG, FTSE4Good
Our partner was also ranked among the industry leaders in 2023 by the MSCI (AAA), by the ISS ESG and by the FTSE4Good responsible investor ratings.
19% improvement in SAQ
Our partner achieved a 19% improvement in the SAQ 5.0 assessment in 2023 with our assistance.
Our contribution to the SDGs
From customer relations to our operations and community support, we strive to act for a sustainable future by contributing to all 17 SDG-s. Out of the 17 goals, we focus on 11, where we can achieve the greatest impact.